The main beach side street/walkway at Salisbury Beach
The end of summer looms near and it being a hot day I decided to take a drive to Salisbury Beach. One of the coolest things I like about being at the beach these days is the chance to play some pinball. Salisbury is pretty run down at this point in its history but they do have a few arcades. Each has a nice collection of pinball machines too!
The beach is actually not bad here either. The only problem is the cold, cold water. It is just a bit to much for me to hang with the temps of the Atlantic Ocean this far north up the North American coast.
The town of Salisbury is doing a lot to try and revive what has been a long decline in visitors. They are offering party nites where they have bands playing for free and there are a number of different annual events they have started offering. It does seem to be working to some extent but there is a lot more they might need to do in order to really get the crowds back with any regularity. Like get rid of their strip club that is at one end of the “bring the family to the beach” center. It just does not fit with things to have that kind of place. Arcades, pizza, the beach, restaurants — and a strip club?
Leaving aside my dislikes and observations about what Salisbury Beach is today, there were still plenty of people with young children around. They all seemed to be having a blast. I know, having spent my childhood summers at the beach, that it was just great to be a little kid at the beach. It seemed there was always something cool and fun to do. My mom said it was great because we would entertain ourselves most of the day, would wear ourselves out and all we typically wore were a pair of shorts. Meaning she had to do very little laundry while we were at the beach.
My final report from the beach is that the waves here today were pretty darn big. Hurricane Bill was on his way by this weekend. The hurricane was really producing some big surf.
That is my summertime Saturday report from Salisbury Beach. I hope you enjoyed reading about it as much as I enjoyed hanging out there.