I did not grow up in the south and was never subjected to what now seems such insane racism that took place there, and all over this country. It is therefore hard to imagine all that went on in the not to distant past.
I just came across some information about segregation that was just something I had never thought about. I love to be outside, in nature, and have always appreciated that there are lots of public parks wherever I have lived.
Carver Bartow Park is located in Georgia, right near Red Top Mountain State Park. Both of these parks are found along the shores of Lake Allatoona. Apparently this park was originally developed to be a park for blacks. The nearby Red Top Mountain park was white only. The then newly created Carver Bartow Park was first opened in 1950 with its original name being George Washington Carver State Park. There were concerts and other events held there too, with the park playing host to quite a number of famous black performers and local families. It makes me glad that there was at least a park like this for people to go but it also breaks my heart to think about all that was denied, to so many people, for so long.

The park remains today as a place for people to visit, relax and enjoy time along the shores of Lake Allatoona

A view of Lake Allatoona from the porch of the large hall at Bartow Carver.